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ClosePastor Nathan Sundt - January 22, 2023
Lady Wisdom’s Teachable Moments

Proverbs 1:20-33 -Lady Wisdom personifies God’s character of wisdom. -Lady Wisdom becomes a type of Christ. -Lady Wisdom is like Jesus in some ways and unlike Jesus in others. 1. Wisdom makes herself available to you – in fact, she tries to interrupt the hustle and bustle of everyday life! Notice how her setting demonstrates the applicability of wisdom to every area of life, including commerce, law, and our workaday jobs. 2. Don’t stay simple! In order to understand what she commands us, two points must be clear: (1) How did we define simple? (peti) (2) What is the difference between ‘happening to be simple’ and ‘loving to be simple’? What is it like to have wisdom correct you? -The way to state the command positively: 3. Love wisdom’s correction. 4. God will give himself to you more and more. 5. Wisdom calls kindly but then judges harshly. “She will be as unresponsive to them at the time of judgment as they have been to her at the time of salvation.” -Bruce Waltke “Christ became to us wisdom and righteousness . . .” (1 Cor. 1:30).
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From Series: "Sunday Mornings"
These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.
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