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ClosePastor Nathan Sundt - January 29, 2023
Inviting “Wisdom” into Your Heart

Proverbs 2 Occasionally we use if/then statements “backwards“ by employing a “then” statement that we know is desirable and expanding and proving the point in the “if” statement. Notice the vigorous verbs: 1. Commitment precedes understanding. Our “listening” is often in the midst of activity—and even forced to serve those active choices. 2. Your hard work is secure! The security of the Lord’s character and kindness in verses 6–8 give a persuasive grounding to work so hard in verses 1-4. 3. You need heart-transformation. Get Wisdom into your heart, God’s Word into your heart. An appeal about manner. Consider those times when we must learn and stick to a particular method even though we have no guarantee of results. 4. Focus on your walk of transformation, rather than particular outcomes. 5. Your personal moral choices correlate with your life-outcomes. The father will make no wild claims or over-detailed predictions, but he also will not fail in his sacred obligation to tell his son that a correlation exists between his personal moral choices and the outcome of his life. The desired outcome: to inhabit the land! “ . . . the one who is carefully turned towards God’s wisdom leads a life well-fitted to endure and flourish in God’s world. . . . Yet, we are also careful to aim the means of this life to be received into eternal dwellings.” God will protect you by transforming you.
Related Topics: Spiritual Maturity, Stewardship | More Messages from Pastor Nathan Sundt | Download Audio
From Series: "Sunday Mornings"
These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.
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