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1 John 3:1-3
1. Pay special attention to the kind of love the Father has given.
Love comes in different kinds.
2. Not only by title but in reality we are his children.
a. How can this be so? By a birth, New Birth directly given by God.
b. If the world does not comprehend Christ’s entrance into the world, how
could it comprehend the entrance of his offspring into the world?
c. Yet, his children represent him truly, though not yet fully,
d. In accordance with the fact that we see him truly, but not yet fully.
e. When those born of God reach their end in for maturity, they are pure like him.
Therefore, (1) experiencing and giving the love of the Father, (2) being children of God, (3) knowing Christ, (4) knowing Christians, (5) seeing him as he is, and (6) becoming pure like he is pure, all are connected.
A Tour of John’s Gospel
3. By the gift of God’s will, these believers were born as his children.
4. We actually come to see Jesus fully and know Jesus truly by the
new birth.
This being born of God that John has described is exactly part of what helps us to see Jesus for who he truly is.
5. For the Christian, humiliation precedes glorification.
6. If we think that part of Jesus is all of Jesus, we do not know
7. By mercy, the people are partly correct.
We ought to “lay down our coats” and be glad and willing servants according to Jesus’ example.
8. In the midst of our confusions, Jesus fulfills the past prophecies to
pave the way for profound future belief.
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