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Pastor Nathan Sundt - March 26, 2023

“In the Beginning was Wisdom”

Sunday Mornings

Proverbs 8 How poetic—yet how practical! What is its meaning? (1-3): Wisdom is public, available, and wants you to listen to her. (4-6): A female figure speaks righteously where men work and debate. (7-9): The listening posture of the simple one is demanded by the moral righteousness of wisdom’s words – all truth, no lies. (10-11): “All truth, no lies” is worth more than money can buy! ——————————- (12): Wisdom’s household includes prudence, knowledge, discretion. (13-14):When you fear the Lord, automatically, you hate evil. (15-17): “When rulers properly exercise their right, it is because I am in their heads and hearts.” (18-19): “I have riches, but my fruit is even better than money!” (20-21): “At the end of my path, an inheritance is left for future generations!” A life can integrate around wisdom, prudence, patience, truth-telling. The same cannot be said of any arrogance, perverted speech, or pride. Beware! We are tempted to congratulate ourselves for being wise and prudent in the majority of cases, while departing from the way of wisdom “in extreme cases.” Wisdom reminds us never to make excuses. The Cosmic Christ 1. In the beginning, Wisdom was. 2. And Wisdom was with God. 3. And without Wisdom was not anything made that was made. Wisdom’s union with the Lord is described as intimately as possible, and from the Lord, who is over his creation, comes Wisdom directly into creation. 4. Wisdom comes and dwells among us. 5. Find Wisdom, find Christ! Know Christ, know the Father! Whoever has seen me has seen the Father . . . I am the way, the truth and the life (John 14:9, 6).

From Series: "Sunday Mornings"

These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.

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