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Pastor Nathan Sundt - December 29, 2024

Getting Old and Getting to Go: Simeon's Song

Luke 2:25-39 Ex 13:11-16 What would send you away in peace? What makes Simeon's case unique? The text emphasizes -The work of the Spirit -The flow of life 1. The Lord (1) calls us away (2) at exactly the right time. "Master"= Despotase-Greek- A relationship between the Master and the Servant 2. Live your life as a devoted servant whose freedom, whose "manumission" is the "putting off of the body." -Philippians 1:14 -Paul, a servant... Thus, contemplating death does not make us hate life more, but love it for what it is. 3. "Salvation" is a person. 4. The person's identity contains an entire plan. Adam and Christ -Christ's identy includes two great comforts. Gentiles will have "light." The light of the law. The light of life. Israel will have comfort. Barren Abraham and Sarah receive multitudes of children. 5. Because it is God's "prepared plan," when you see part of it, you see all of it, blessings can cut deep, the outcome gets the right people singing.

From Series: "Sunday Mornings"

These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.

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