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ClosePastor Nathan Sundt - February 16, 2020
The Word Works While You Walk

The Word Works While You Walk: Joy in Fellowship 1 John 1:5-10 1. The message concerns God’s character. -How does John use “light”? John 1:7-8; John 3:17-21; John 12:46 -How does the rest of the Bible use “light”? Psalm 50:2, Psalm 94:1, Is. 54:1, James 1:17 -How do all people, everywhere use the term “light”? Light becomes a symbol of the morality that produces it. 2. God can be known. -God does not change. -He speaks! -He sends the Son. 3. Salvation is active and continual. 4. Salvation matches words and deeds. -God’s word points us to the patterns. -The devil’s deadly arrows point us to one-offs. 5. If you pursue God’s character . . . then you are connected with all the people of God. then you are connected with the blood of Jesus. then you are disconnected from your sin. 6. If you say you have no sin, you disconnect yourself from the process and the practice. 7. Answer every mention of sin with the declaration of salvation! 8. Confession kills the sin. He is faithful: he will do it every time He is just: he can do it every time.
Related Topics: God's Word, Salvation, The Savior | More Messages from Pastor Nathan Sundt | Download Audio
From Series: "Sunday Mornings"
These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.
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