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ClosePastor Nathan Sundt - January 17, 2021
The Sanctity of Life and the Insanity of Sin

Matthew 2:13-23 The big sense of danger is being in danger with God, danger of resisting his will and ultimately danger of eternal punishment. 1. In the center of God’s will you naturally have the protection of God’s providence and plan 2. Jesus, even, infant baby Jesus, experienced the exact same kind of protection as you. Jesus was exposed to the insanity of human violence; Jesus was kept safe by the order of God’s plan worked out through average, everyday people. 3. When you feel small, consider yourself in light of God’s eternal plan. Jesus restores the people of God by fulfilling the story of Israel. When you are doing one thing, God is doing 1 million things. 4. When you look at it broadly, sin is insane. 5. When considered narrowly, sin is sane. What demands have you sent out from the throne of your soul? “Many things can happen in this world, but I cannot be removed from the center.” Mountainous sins now show God’s salvation rise up to the stars! The Slaughter of the Innocents in Bethlehem points to the Slaughter of the Innocent on Calvary.
Related Topics: Life, Sin | More Messages from Pastor Nathan Sundt | Download Audio
From Series: "Sunday Mornings"
These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.
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