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ClosePastor Nathan Sundt - January 21, 2024
Prayer, Personal Presence, and Spiritual Power: Part 2

Romans 1:11-15 “For” = The ground, the reason we do something. 1. Why do you want so badly to be with any group of people? Why do you come and gather with the church? Paul shows why he wants to see the church at Rome: a) a strong inner compulsion, as well as b) a practical goal, c) with spiritual effects (imparting a spiritual gift) d) which will serve to strengthen faith mutually. 2. What are your goals for yourself and for your church? 1. Pursue an inner longing to see and be seen by the people of God. 2a. Find ways to work for the strength of Christ’s people. 2b. focus on how spiritual gifts provide strength 3. Be together for unique encouragement of faith. (You need them and they need you!) We need each other, every member of the church. No matter how long the person has been in Christ, no matter how well the person has studied the Bible, no matter what ministry positions a person has served in, you are each necessary for the encouragement of one another’s faith. 3. Of what do you want to make sure that people are aware? 1 Thessalonians 2:18: What is your joy and crown? What do you think “recommends” you? Love of Christ and pursuing the health of his churches, that is what the believer stakes his or her life upon. 4. What is the power of your personal presence? To whom are you “under obligation”?
Related Topics: Faith, Faith | More Messages from Pastor Nathan Sundt | Download Audio
From Series: "Sunday Mornings"
These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.
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