Romans 2:6-11
Verse 6: God is fair-handed and even-minded.
Verse 7: God’s gift is eternal life for those who seek his gifts.
(“who seek [God’s] face. . .” Ps. 24:6)
Verse 8: God’s is wrath for those who seek self and obey evil.
“Every person, religious or not, is worshipping something to get their worth.” -Tim Keller
Most contradictions actually comes in squares. (Matt. 7:16-19)
All ____________ are ____________.
Some ____________ are ____________.
Some ____________ are ____________.
No ____________ are ____________.
Verse 9: Final wrath awaits evildoers.
Verse 10: Final joy awaits the doers of good.
Judgment, not on the basis of but in accord with “well-doing” (Gal 6:9).
Verse 11: God actions will prove fair, clear, and gracious.
1. Paul makes his point from the transformed quality of the works, not any self-righteous quantity.
2.Warning: Don’t use information about God as new insight to help you manipulate the Almighty; use information about God to help you relate to Him.
3. Delight in the works of the saved, in transformed works that are in accordance with a repentant, grace-filled life.
Join us as we prayerfully study Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, a letter that has strengthened the church and enriched believers throughout church history.
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