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Romans 12:1-2
1. The gospel provides an urgent appeal towards Christian living.
-the family of God
-the mercies of God
2. You must know God’s mercy to hear commands correctly.
“Body” highlights the physical nature of OT sacrifices.
“Without the shedding of blood, there cannot be the remission of sins.”
Yet, we, stained with sin, could never be the offering until we were clean.
In Christ, you are holy; a blemish-free sacrifice.
3. Get busy in the garden and the temple.
All Christ’s people are depicted as Adam was and as priests were: guarding and administrating God’s holy worship in his holy place.
4. Trust the process that God has designed for your growth.
-The world’s process involves outward pressure, God’s inward renewal.
-The metamorphosis implies gradual change; the mind a sharper change.
-We become like an apprenticed shepherd or priest, knowing what God wants.
-What you know you become; what you become you know.
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