Brothers and Sisters at Bat Cave Baptist Church,
In light of the current situation surrounding COVID-19, the deacons and pastor have decided not to
have public gatherings through April 1— and to use that date to reevaluate. North Carolina’s executive
order disallows public gatherings of more than 100; our DHHS has offered guidance restricting
gatherings to less than 50 people; President Trump has urged that for the next 15 days gatherings of 10
or more be suspended.
We want to have proper respect for a serious virus, proper honor for our governing authorities as they
attempt to carry out their responsibilities, and true hope only in God.
Here is what we still plan to do and what you can do to serve God and love the body of Christ during this
Plan to “gather“ virtually: set aside time Wednesday at 7 for DIVE Bible study (starting 3/25) and
Sunday morning at 11 for worship (starting this Sunday 3/22). Sing at your screen and listen to the
word! Tonight’s Midweek study is canceled entirely in order to develop our virtual system for Sunday.
Plan to pray. Perhaps the Lord might use this time to help many of us in the spiritual discipline of prayer.
Pray for members of the church. Call them and find out how you might pray more specifically. Please be
in touch with your deacon, Bat Cave, for updates, concerns, or specific requests so that we can all pray
together. A preacher once said “we do not pray as we plan because we do not plan to pray.” A time of
quarantine is a great time to plan to pray.
Plan to Serve: Especially for those of us younger and at lesser risk, we will have opportunities to deliver
groceries and serve others, whether through an informal opportunity or a formal project.
Plan to Give: We are praying that, as a church, we can continue to meet all of our expenses and outreach
needs, as well as contribute to keep all our missionaries on the field. Members and regular givers who
normally do so on Sunday morning may do so online and through the church app. We will still take in
the mail, so giving can take place through the postal service. Last, the church office will be open at 11am
Sunday if you want to drop by and pray with the pastor at that time.
Two passages come to my mind, first, the Apostle Paul’s urging our good deeds toward all generally and
the body of Christ specifically, as well as Jehoshaphat’s declaration of trust in God, when Judah was
attacked by her enemies.
May they bless you today,
Nathan Sundt
Interim Pastor
Gal. 6:10 So then, as we have
opportunity, let us do good to
everyone, and especially to those who
are of the household of faith.
2Chr. 20:12 O our God, will you not
execute judgment on them? For we are
powerless against this great horde that is
coming against us. We do not know
what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
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