Each Wednesday night, we gather together to pray, sing and walk through Scripture. We are currently walking through Proverbs verse by verse. Have a listen!
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Romans 8:18-25
1. Weigh suffering by glory, not by ease or pleasure.
Suffering is an essential ingredient in what we find glorious in human souls. Our problem is not that we do not compare or weigh the meaning of suffering; our problem is that we do not weigh it against the right opposite: glory.
Further, we must understand the glory against which it is weighed.
2. Weigh the “found glory” of earth by the “revealed glory” of heaven.
3. Suffering ends when glory is complete.
All created things... share in suffering, and expect an end, that is greater than the beginning.
4. What you wait for will cause you to remember gladly what you went through.
“The freedom of the glory of a child”
5. True hope is patient.
We have the redemption of our souls and wait for that of our bodies.
Join us as we prayerfully study Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, a letter that has strengthened the church and enriched believers throughout church history.