The Miracles Of Jesus

Pastor Nathan Sundt - December 15, 2024

Magnificant!: Praise from an Inward Place for Outward Promises

Mary's Song Luke 1:26-56 Observe the Song -Two women are "filled with the Holy Spirit," -related to their miraculous births (vv. 35,41) Fulfillment of Joel 2:28-29 -They are empowered to know the "son of God," "my Lord": (35,43). -Blessing and approval is given to Mary as a paradigm or pattern for all: (1) to believe in (2) fulfillment of (3) what God speaks. Do you believe what God speaks? Join the Song 1. Check your soul. What would be the opposite of having the soul magnify or the spirit rejoice in the Lord? We often " worship" from memory or from " what the crowd does." 2. Wait on the Lord's exaltation and gift or reputation. 3. Every generation should ultimately regard to the One who is mighty, holy, and merciful. 4. Praise God for fulfilled purposes. Mary doesn't point to a particular promise but to God's spoken purpose to show "the strength of his arm" (Isaiah 52:10). 5. We are glad for God's "grand reversal." This reversal tears down what was built up contrary to God. Against the "strength of his arm": -the mighty were enthroned -the humble brought low -the hungry were without food 6. Across the span of forgetful generations, God remembers the plan of his mercy and the promise to Abraham.

From Series: "The Songs of Christmas"

During Advent and Christmas 2024, we will undertake a five-week study of various songs and poetic sections of the Old and New Testament that predict the coming messiah and pronounce the meaning of his arrival. December 1: The Song of Hannah December 8: The 98th Psalm December 15: The Song of Mary December 22: The Song of the Angels December 24: The Song of Zechariah December 29: The Song of Simeon

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