The Cheerful Giver

Pastor Nathan Sundt - July 4, 2021

How Gospel-People are Good for Government

Sunday Mornings

Romans 13:1-7; 1 Pet 2:13-17; 1 Tim. 2:1-7 Principles from God for Government 1: The normal state of human beings is under government. 2: All people everywhere bear responsibility to honor their government. Government is . . . 3: All people, through giving government its due, honor God. 4: Government’s common sense moves towards the outcome peaceable persons need. 5: Government has the rightful use for avenging punishment and is one of God’s tools to accomplish justice of this kind. 6: People support and participate with government as God’s instrument against evil by giving taxes, respect, and honor. 7: Required by God, governments must praise the good. Principles for Gospel People, Good for Government A: Required by the gospel, Christians should defeat ignorant accusations by good actions. B: Christians must make every variety of prayer for every variety of government minister. C: Christian prayers recognize how this obedience of government to God prepares a highway for us to spread the gospel. A Complicating Factor -Citizens, in the vote, are like government ministers. A Final Hope -Once Christ is “all in all” government happens no longer from the outside-in, but from the inside out (1 Cor. 15:24-28; Phil. 3:20). Jesus brings perfect judgment, exact repayment—and full and free forgiveness. (Rev. 22:12-14)

From Series: "Sunday Mornings"

These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.

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