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Forgivens Become Forgivers
Matthew 18:21-35
1. Jesus always multiplies the forgiveness is that we add up.
2. Christ’s cross gives us a mind to multiply forgivenesses.
3. The constant posture of forgiveness turns us into welcomers—but not doormats.
Jesus never lies, but he also doesn’t answer every question in the way it’s put to him.
4. The kingdom of heaven, unlike the Old Covenant, has the power to make what it promises.
5. What explains God’s lavish forgiveness is his pity and love.
“I have given Christ countless reasons not to love me; none of them changed his mind.” -Paul Washer
6. God will have just and clear vengeance that everyone agrees upon if we do not forgive others from our hearts.
A. God builds transformation into his salvation.
B. God specifies forgiveness: from the heart.
C. Fellow servants help us perceive God’s plan
D. Pleading for forgiveness is our posture in God’s court.
E. Pity is the sure starting point of God’s forgiveness for us.
From Series: Sunday Mornings | More Messages from Pastor Nathan Sundt | Download Audio
From Series: "Sunday Mornings " These sermons were given at our 11am service on Sunday Mornings.
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