Romans 11:1-6
1. God will never reject his people
God’s promises to Abraham are true, both in Jew and gentile Christians.
2. God has included “his people“ in his people.
3. God’s foreknowledge plans to pick out and preserve a precious people.
You will dig past every logical reason why it is that God would pick you, and when you hit bedrock, you will find only God’s heart.
4. You were chosen by grace.
How Election Does and Does Not Apply to the Question of Salvation
-Divine election is never presented as another piece of information we need to know whether we are allowed to throw ourselves on the king’s mercy.
-God has chosen from all eternity; therefore, nothing you have done or could do could automatically excludes you from the invitation and summons that you ought to answer.
5. The doctrine of election preserves the sheer grace of God’s grace.
Join us as we prayerfully study Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, a letter that has strengthened the church and enriched believers throughout church history.